The Emo|Senses Lab attended the ECRO XXXI conference of the European Chemoreception Research Organization, from September 13th to 16th (2021), in Cascais.
ECRO XXXI showed the most current research in the area of chemosensory sciences, such as olfaction and taste. Prof. Sandra C. Soares was on the Organizing Committee, and PhD students Ana Cláudia Magalhães, Fábio Silva, Filipa Barros and Joana Grave were also collaborating in the organization of the event.
On the first day, two of your PhD students were part of the session "Social chemosignaling". Filipa Barros talked about the role of olfaction in communication and well-being in the Autism Spectrum, and Nuno Gomes (researcher at the ISPA) presented a work developed in collaboration with Fábio Silva about the robustness of fear chemosignaling.
On the second day of ECRO XXXI, we attended the sessions of some of the researchers who contributed the most to the chemosensory sciences, such as Professor Linda Buck, winner of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her studies in olfaction. But because there is more to life than science, we also heard Chef José Avillez, who shared with us his passion for the Portuguese gastronomy.
In the third and final day of the ECRO XXXI, taste was the main theme. A fascinating area of investigation!
In addition to the quality of the sessions and speakers, it has been a pleasure to participate in the organization of the event.